They're Fonts! They're Spiteful! They're Spite fonts! DIG!

Howdy Folks, and welcome to the Font Foundry with the ugliest fonts you've ever seen! They're perfect for resignation letters, breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, offending sensible readers in a 'zine (punk or otherwise), hate mail, fan mail, forged doctors notes, crummy poetry, and MORE!

The Beck Fonts are done. Click Here or Here or Here to check 'em out. These are a 'Zinesters Dream. And such Bohemian pricing!
That's me, yer host, the loveable Sultan of Spite, Vlad Smut.

Click The Pic for today's FREE FONT!

Click on the lovely Mr. Beck Hansen to check out th' Beck Fonts, a tribute to Odelay.

Vlad's Meaningless Question
In a free for all steel cage deathmatch, who would win?

Current Results

Here's yer number. Hope you like it.

You can close that bloody tripod window now. It won't bother you again. Y'see, that's why I have that doorway page. Because I care.

Updated August 25th, 1998
Copyright Vlad Smut