Here's a big hunka links fer yer perusin' pleasure. Just click on the skull to the left of each one, and bob's yer uncle, yer transported away! Ain't technology grand?
by the way, that font is Biting Sarcasm, the next free font... Come back in a week or so and grab it...

The Chankstore! Go visit my inspiration, the almighty Chank Diesel
The WIndows 95 Font Smoother! You need this! It makes even UGLY fonts purdy!
A great resource for Free shit fer yer web page!
Planet Quake. THE source for News and junk on the bestest game there is: Quake
Misfits Central. News, Photos, and More! DIE DIE DIE, my darling!
The Internet Pinball Database. So much info...The mind wobbles.
Gamesville. Play bingo, maybe win 5 bucks... A great time killer.
The Death Clock. Find out just how little time you have left!
Internet Anagram Server - I, Rearrangement server. They got it all man. Go waste nine or ten hours. Fun and Edumicational!
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